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Knowledge & Understanding

Science At Our School

Science is taught and delivered through the Four Cornerstones of Learning.

Engage – hook children in with a memorable experience. For example, this could be how to use melted chocolate to ‘weld’ together edible items to create a super-yummy chocolate structure or replicate Stonehenge using Bourbon Biscuits and explore how shadows are created as the sun appears to travel across the sky!


Develop – allow children time to gather the skills and knowledge they need to develop a deep understanding of scientific concepts. 


Innovate – offer creative experiences that allow children to apply their skills, knowledge and understanding. 


Express – provide the space and time for reflecting, evaluating, and celebrating learning.  This includes inviting parents into classes with pupils sharing and celebrating their learning with their adults.


Furthermore, because Science is taught practically, with exciting investigations that cover tricky topics in new and unusual ways, the pupils at our school develop a curiosity to find out why things happen in the way they do. Children learn to ask scientific questions and begin to appreciate the way science will affect their future on a personal, national, and global level.

Science Week - Planetarium

Week commencing 4th October, Wildridings Primary School celebrated ‘Space Week’ with our very own mobile planetarium!


On Monday and Tuesday, Reception through the Year 6 celebrated space week with a visit to the mobile planetarium to learn all about the solar system, ISS (international space station), the planets and much more! Throughout the day, the classes took about in a variety of activities based on SPACE.

The children (and many of the adults!) loved having the mobile planetarium at school and thoroughly enjoyed learning all about space.

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