Performance, Outcomes & Ofsted
Performance Tables
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Pupil Outcomes
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OFSTED Report - February 2022
The grades that can be awarded are Outstanding (1), Good (2), Requires Improvement (3) or Inadequate (4). The full report can be found and downloaded from the link at the bottom of the page. Previously the school was judged as ‘Requires Improvement’ in March 2018.
What Is It Like To Attend This School?
Pupils are highly enthusiastic about their school. They are happy to come to school and they feel safe. Leaders have created an inclusive and nurturing school. There are high levels of care and pastoral support in place for all pupils. As one pupil said, ‘Staff really care and when you need help, they are there for you.’
Leaders’ ambition is for all pupils to be the best that they can be. Leaders keep the development of the whole child at the centre of their work. They know pupils and the community well.
Pupils behave well around the school. At breaktimes, pupils play well together, keeping active by using outdoor equipment and playing games that adults organise for them. Pupils show consideration towards each other. They are polite, well-mannered and welcoming to visitors. On the rare occasions that bullying happens, pupils are confident that it will be dealt with quickly.
Pupils experience opportunities to nurture their talents. They attend a wide range of clubs, including sewing club, performance troupe and sign language club. Pupils learn about healthy eating and keeping fit. For example, children in Reception learn that fruit and vegetables are good for them, and pupils in Year 6 know how exercise keeps the heart healthy.
What Does The School Do Well And What Does It Need To Do Better?
Leaders have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum. They have identified the knowledge that pupils need to learn, right from the start of Nursery. In some subjects, for example in mathematics and history, pupils develop knowledge in a clear sequence that builds over time. This means pupils make connections between topics that help them remember their learning. As a result, pupils achieve well in these subjects. However, some subjects are not as well developed, for example science and geography. In these subjects, the sequence of learning does not always enable pupils to connect ideas and remember what they have learned as effectively.
Leaders prioritise reading. Children in Reception learn phonics right from the start, using an effective programme. In the early stages of learning to read, pupils read books containing the phonic sounds they know. This means that pupils quickly become fluent readers. Pupils enjoy reading and talk confidently about books. They love story time and are clearly engrossed when teachers read aloud to them.
Teachers’ subject knowledge is not consistently strong in all subjects. Where teachers’ subject knowledge is strong, the tasks teachers set help pupils to achieve well. In mathematics, for example, teachers’ strong subject knowledge means they can routinely check pupils’ understanding and plan activities to strengthen and deepen this understanding during lessons. However, teachers’ subject knowledge is less well developed in some other subjects. This means that teachers do not always identify and address pupils’ gaps in knowledge consistently well.
Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to achieve their very best. Leaders have invested in high-quality training and resources to ensure that staff have the necessary expertise to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. Teachers plan bespoke activities to support pupils with more complex needs. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well.
Attendance is high because leaders are relentless in ensuring that pupils attend school. Leaders use effective systems to monitor absence and make sure that pupils attend school regularly. This includes employing staff to work alongside families where necessary.
Behaviour in lessons is good. Pupils are calm and engaged in their learning. Right from the start of Nursery, children follow
well-established rules and routines. Relationships between pupils and adults are positive throughout the school.
Leaders provide a wide range of opportunities to support pupils’ personal development. Work to develop pupils’ character
is strong. Pupils develop confidence and resilience through opportunities to speak in public. For example, they prepare
speeches for presentations and take part in debates. Pupils are confident and articulate communicators. They listen and
respond well to each other in conversations. Leaders have introduced a range of therapeutic approaches to support pupils’
mental health, including canine therapy, play therapy and outdoor learning. Children in early years cooperate well with
each other. They help one another and take turns. Children show empathy to their peers if they are upset.
Leaders and governors have a clear, shared vision for the school. They know the strengths and areas for improvement in
the curriculum. Governors check the information leaders give them by talking to pupils and staff. Staff are proud and
happy to work at this school. Staff say that leaders and governors help them to manage their workload and well-being
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