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English At Our School

At Wildridings Primary school we recognise the importance of English as foundation for life success.  It unites the important skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. At Wildridings, we endeavour to give children wide experience of each element and work diligently to ensure that all pupils leave our school able to read, communicate orally and in writing to the very best of their ability. 

All staff are committed to raising standards in English. We aim to meet every child’s needs through stimulating, differentiated lessons. In addition to daily English lessons, we try and identify possibilities for cross-curricular links.


Please look at our policies page for more information regarding the teaching and learning of English at Wildridings.


Our staff use a blended approach to help support and achieve the best for all pupils. We try to use a ‘hook’ to engage and motivate our children’s writing. Through our teaching, we cover a wide range of genres from Nursery through to Year 6.  We encourage children to be creative and compose writing for a range of purposes. We want our children to become independent, confident writers. As reading and writing are closely linked we use a variety of high-quality texts and stimulus to inspire our children’s writing. Grammar and punctuation are taught through English sessions and children are given the opportunity to apply these skills in context.

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