Voice 21 And Oracy At Wildridings
At Wildridings, we recognise and understand the importance of being able to communicate effectively and learn through talk. Oracy is an important part of our curriculum and we have begun working with Voice 21 to develop oracy skills for our pupils.
What can a high-quality oracy education achieve?
Evidence shows that a high-quality education can:
Improve academic outcomes, developing learners who can think critically, reason together and have the vocabulary to express their knowledge and understanding.
Improves literacy development. The EEF literacy reports show that through structured classroom talk students, and particularly pupil premium students, literacy outcomes improve.
Increase confidence and wellbeing, empowering students with the belief that their voice has value, developing the ability to articulate thoughts so others will listen.
Equip students to thrive in life beyond school helping them to progress, access employment and engage in civic life. Successive employer surveys and reports from industry bodies such as the CBI, CIPD and IoD have highlighted the value businesses place on employees’ communication skills.
Narrows gaps enabling disadvantaged students to fulfil their potential and shrink the language gap between them and more advantaged peers.
Teaching of Oracy at Wildridings
We have adopted the oracy framework from Voice 21 for our
oracy teaching. In the early years there is a greater emphasis
on the physical and social, emotional strands. Teachers are
planning opportunities for pupils to take part in exploratory
talk and our sentence stems are used as a way of scaffolding
discussions. These are used across all subjects and can be
used at home to help support discussions.