Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The PTA is made up of parents who enjoy being involved in helping the school to provide the best educational environment for the children.
The Friends run lots of fun events to raise money to buy equipment for the children to use inside and outside of the classrooms. Past purchases have included: new books for the library, a gazebo for the KS1 playground and a climbing frame for Foundation Stage.
We have raised money through Cake Sales, Christmas Fair, Children’s Disco, Easter Event, Pamper Evening, Summer Fair, Tuck Shop.... and lots more!
However, these events are not possible without help. They are huge fun and it is an extremely satisfying and rewarding experience being involved. The Friends is a great way to make new friends by working together with other parents with a like-minded cause; you will get to know everyone really well.
You don’t have to be an expert; any amount of assistance or skill is welcome. Even taking on a small role during an event helps more than you might think. Whether you only want to help with one event or all of them, it is worth coming along to one of our meetings. We meet at least once every half term with sub committees forming throughout the year for various events.
If you are interested in joining us please email us (details on the Contact Us page) or enquire at the school directly and come along to one of our meetings. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Money Raised
Throughout the school year the PTA holds events like Discos, Fayres, Cake sales and Non uniform days all to help raise money for the school.
Here are a few things the PTA have helped with throughout the last couple of years.

Year Two
Ipads, chargers and carry case

Year One

Nursery and tyre park rubber flooring