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Curriculum Overview

































What does it look like in practice? We aim to support learning through ‘Themes’ that allow a range of subjects to be linked. Our express aim is to ensure that children are able to transfer skills between various curriculum areas.


Themes and topics incorporate a specific range of subjects and a diverse range of delivery styles to enable inclusive learning opportunities for all of our children. We aim for our themes to be exciting and engaging for our children. This will involve class-based activities, independent learning, and kinesthetic learning opportunities. Typically we will see some output of learning captured in books but some learning will be based on experience only.


Following each theme, children will have the opportunity to reflect on their learning by completing an ‘ innovation task’ that enables independent learning and practical application of the skills they have developed.





We have an excellent and diverse range of enrichment activities to help support the children's learning. These include visitors in assemblies and classes (Speakers, The Fire service, The Police, drama workshops, and Dinosaurs to name but a few), trips to local facilities (The Look Out, Mill Pond, Bracknell cinemas, St Michaels and St Mary Magdalene Church), or further afield (Reading Museum, Bournemouth).


In addition, children will have the opportunities to perform in a range of productions and ‘showcase’ events, including Christmas Nativity (KS1), recorder concerts (Y3), Topic presentations (All year groups) and an end of year production for Year 6 children.


These are in addition to the active social scene in the school where the PTA arrange Discos, school fairs and shopping events and Easter treasure hunts – all extremely well supported by our children.





We continually to monitor the impact on our children’s ability and enthusiasm for learning in these areas through scrutiny of books, pupil surveys and links to other curriculum improvements such as Math and English. We will review the ability of our children to work independently; apply their skills confidently in a range of learning opportunities; and develop a long term love of learning.


Find out more


If you would like to know more about your child's curriculum for their year group or key stage please contact your child's class teacher and they will be happy to discuss the curriculum content and delivery in more detail.



© 2023 by Wildridings Primary School

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