School Financial Benchmarking
The schools financial benchmarking service provided by the Department for Education (DfE) allows you to identify schools that are similar to your own and compare your:
Staffing structures
You can also find contact details for these schools.
The tool enables you to select multiple schools or trusts and add them to a “benchmark basket”. Clicking “View benchmark charts” allows you to view comparisons of the schools you have selected across 4 main areas.
Within these areas there are charts covering more specific aspects. For example, for expenditure you can see charts focusing on expenditure in areas such as:
Supplies and services
There are 4 main cost areas for school budgets:
Other staff
Supplies and services
Buildings and land
Benchmarking can help you:
Look at spending in these areas overall, as well as sub-categories of spending
Compare your school's spending with other similar schools
Inform your school development process
Making changes
Benchmarking helps you to connect with other schools to discuss challenges and successes.
This can help you to consider whether:
Your resource allocations are working
You can improve outcomes by making changes
Benchmarking is in itself a comparative exercise, and the benefit comes from what you do as a result of what you learn from the benchmarking.
Benchmarking is only a guide. You should think about other things you know about your school when assessing the data.
You can share more data through joining a benchmarking group through your local authority or school business managers’ network
To login to Wildridings Primary School's financial benchmarking report, click HERE
There are 0 individuals at Wildridings Primary School earning a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000.